Grab Now The Story Of

Shark Baroni And The Stars In The Sea

As Ebook, enhanced Ebook, Printed Book and Video in English or German

Shark Baroni And The Stars In The Sea

Author: Leron Mika’il Haun
Editorial: Sterna Paradisaea
eBook/enhanced eBook pages: 40

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Please note: The printed book is expected to be available in the first quarter of 2024. The Enhanced eBook has clickable features and is optimized for Apple iOS and Thorium Reader for Windows. We recommend these applications for the best possible experience for the enhanced eBook.


Titel: Hai Baroni Und Die Sterne Im Meer Untertitel: Eine Geschichte für Kinder von Leron Mika’il Haun Autor: Leron Mika’il Haun Verlag: Sterna Paradisaea Buchbeschreibung Hai Baroni ist der Wächter der Ozeane mit einem einzigartigen und großen Wissen über alle Ecken und Bewohner der sieben Meere.  Eines sonnigen Tages, als er eilig hinausschwamm, um die Stille und Ruhe des Ozeans zu genießen, geschah etwas ganz Besonderes. Er verspürte großen Hunger und entdeckte seine Lieblingsspeise, die er blitzschnell mit einem Biss verschlang. Aber war es tatsächlich seine Lieblingsessen? Oder war es doch etwas anderes, etwas, das er sich nicht erklären konnte? Es war eine lang verschollene Schatztruhe mit einem prächtigen und sternenhaften Inhalt… Dieses Buch soll Kindern das wundervolle Gefühl vermitteln, was es bedeutet, schöne Erlebnisse und die Schätze dieser Welt mit anderen zu teilen.
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Video, Ebook, Enhanced Ebook, Hardback edition




About the Author

Leron Mika’il is an 8-year-old boy from Munich, Germany. When he is not busy at school or having his violin and Arabic lessons, he enjoys what most children do, which is playing and goofing around, watching TV and trying to beat his Dad in a Nintendo racing game. He also enjoys gardening and building things, and wishes to become an architect one day! 

He is full of life, very curious and loves to sing, explore his creativity, draw, and write short stories. He has started writing stories the moment he has learned how to write, and at the age of 6 years, Shark Baroni And The Stars In The Sea has come to life as the first story to make it into the publishing process.

His main dream about his book is, that children enjoy the story, and that it is read by as many as possible around the world. And we sure hope that he will achieve that!

We hope you enjoy the story and spread those sparkling stars to everyone around you.

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