Children’s minds are wondrous places, filled with fantastic creatures, imagined worlds, and limitless possibilities.

They’re deep wells of creativity, with the potential to spin amazing stories that tickle, delight, inspire, inform, excite, and so much more. And these stories deserve to be written, enjoyed, and shared — especially with other young minds.
Why? As the proud parents of a little author ourselves, we can think of a few reasons.

Give me a reason to not conquer the world.

— Fauzia Haun

Children of the same age share a special bond — and so do their stories

Children inhabit a different world than grown-ups. From adult-sized objects and environments to big moods and feelings, everything seems larger and more up-close when you’re a small human.
That’s why stories written by children strike a special note. They reflect the world as children see it. They speak in a voice and language that children innately understand. They tell innocent, intuitive truths about childhood, as only children can, before the world (with all its biases) shapes their perspectives.
What’s more, these kinds of stories have the potential to connect children from different countries and cultures around the world. They weave a global web and get children from all kinds of backgrounds seeing, thinking, and feeling in new ways.

Today you are you! That is truer than true!There is no one alive who is you-er than you!

— Dr. Seuss

Stories inspire young minds to explore, create, and achieve

We teach children to think about what they want to be “when they grow up.” But what about now? After all, imagination, creativity, and achievement aren’t just for adults — they’re for everyone!
One way to spark our little ones’ creativity and encourage them to dream big is by reading, sharing, and recognising the stories of other children. When children see that people of their age can write their own books and get them published, it shows them that their thoughts matter — and can take them anywhere. And it might just inspire them to stretch the limits of their own ambitions and get them putting their own ideas to paper.

The Smile You Send Out, It Returns To You.

— Indian Proverb

Some of the most powerful learning happens through reading and writing

Little Red Riding Hood. The Three Bears. Jack and the Beanstalk. There’s a reason we have so many stories for children and why they stay with us throughout our lives. It’s because storytelling is one of the most powerful ways we learn, remember, and grow.
By giving children the chance to weave their own stories, we help them learn foundational concepts, like plot, character, cause and effect, and good and bad. But that’s not all. We also foster their imaginations and unlock the potential for a new generation of stories that will leave a lasting impact for readers now and in the future.

Stories encourage lifelong thinking, learning, and growing.

What happens in childhood influences little ones’ habits, routines, and preferences for a lifetime. So the best time to develop a lifelong love of the written word is when they’re young.
So let’s encourage our children’s minds to roam far and wide! We can expand their horizons and keep the magic of childhood with them through the years, with stories written by them and for them.

The Power Of Stories Written By And For Young Minds

Children’s minds are wondrous places, filled with fantastic creatures, imagined worlds, and limitless possibilities.

They’re deep wells of creativity, with the potential to spin amazing stories that tickle, delight, inspire, inform, excite, and so much more. And these stories deserve to be written, enjoyed, and shared — especially with other young minds.

Why? As the proud parents of a little author ourselves, we can think of a few reasons.

Give me a reason to not conquer the world.

— Fauzia Haun

Children of the same age share a special bond — and so do their stories

Children inhabit a different world than grown-ups. From adult-sized objects and environments to big moods and feelings, everything seems larger and more up-close when you’re a small human.

That’s why stories written by children strike a special note. They reflect the world as children see it. They speak in a voice and language that children innately understand. They tell innocent, intuitive truths about childhood, as only children can, before the world (with all its biases) shapes their perspectives.

What’s more, these kinds of stories have the potential to connect children from different countries and cultures around the world. They weave a global web and get children from all kinds of backgrounds seeing, thinking, and feeling in new ways.

Today you are you! That is truer than true!There is no one alive who is you-er than you!

— Dr. Seuss

Stories inspire young minds to explore, create, and achieve

We teach children to think about what they want to be “when they grow up.” But what about now? After all, imagination, creativity, and achievement aren’t just for adults — they’re for everyone!

One way to spark our little ones’ creativity and encourage them to dream big is by reading, sharing, and recognising the stories of other children. When children see that people of their age can write their own books and get them published, it shows them that their thoughts matter — and can take them anywhere. And it might just inspire them to stretch the limits of their own ambitions and get them putting their own ideas to paper.

The Smile You Send Out, It Returns To You.

— Indian Proverb

Some of the most powerful learning happens through reading and writing

Little Red Riding Hood. The Three Bears. Jack and the Beanstalk. There’s a reason we have so many stories for children and why they stay with us throughout our lives. It’s because storytelling is one of the most powerful ways we learn, remember, and grow.

By giving children the chance to weave their own stories, we help them learn foundational concepts, like plot, character, cause and effect, and good and bad. But that’s not all. We also foster their imaginations and unlock the potential for a new generation of stories that will leave a lasting impact for readers now and in the future.

Stories encourage lifelong thinking, learning, and growing.

What happens in childhood influences little ones’ habits, routines, and preferences for a lifetime. So the best time to develop a lifelong love of the written word is when they’re young.

So let’s encourage our children’s minds to roam far and wide! We can expand their horizons and keep the magic of childhood with them through the years, with stories written by them and for them.